The concept of media is certainly more widely known and understood than that of transhumanism. However, it will be helpful to clarify its definition here so that its purpose and power can be more deeply examined.
“Media” is the plural form of “medium,” a term defined as “a means by which something is communicated or expressed” (Oxford Dictionaries). The need for media arises from what might be the most fundamental problem of our meat-existence: I think, therefore I must transmit. Our inability to beam entire brain-states to one another necessitates communication through more physical means.
How, then, can we communicate with each other in the physical world? Speech is the most obvious way, but it is certainly very limited. What if you wish to transmit ideas across a wide area? What if you wish to transmit ideas but cannot speak? What if you wish to record ideas for the future? All of these things require mediums such as books and film which help to facilitate the spread and storage of ideas as well as allow freedom in how ideas are transmitted (whether through word or sound or image).